
    Sunday, September 23, 2007

    First 30 Days of Your Blogging.

    All my friends are working in different spheres, some of them are lawyers, some are economists, and they decided that there are many things which they want to tell to the world with help of blog. I promised them the post about the first 30 days of blogging, in which the start of successful blogging is described.

    * 1 day. Create your blog. Make it original, change colors and sizes and add "about me" page.

    *2-7 days. Post, post and post. From the 7 days of your blog existing it has to have at least 10 posts.

    * 8 day. Add your blog in blog directories. Track that that your blog corresponded to requirements of directories. Also you have to decide how regularly would you post. Twice in a week or everyday or once in a month it is for you to choose. I recommend you to post every day for at least half a year.

    * 9 day. Feedburner. Create your RSS feed and make it easy to subscribe for readers. Also create you account at Hittail to know by which keywords people are came to you. Register in StatCounter or GoStats to know your exact statistics

    * 10 day. Register in all bookmarking services and make some link baiting. Special attention give to StumbleUpon.

    * 11 day. Create accounts on high PR article directories and submit your articles there. Look at eZineArticles, iSnare, ArticleCube, ArticleDashboard and others

    * 12-13 days. Learn the basics of search engine optimisation. Make Google your friend ! :)

    * 14-20 days. Start to build your link empire. Look at high PR directories like Netscape to build some good links, PRWeb and Squidoo will help you too in this and some other methods.

    * 21 day. Register at some big thematic forums and webmaster forums like DigitalPoint. Began to post threads and replies and of course don't forget to sign your link after the massage.

    * 22-24 days. Began to create your own collection of thematic blogs in your niche. Give a special attention to blogs with no nofollow rel. The list of such blogs from Courtney Tuttle will help you for the first time. Began to comment posts.

    * 25 day. Look at your statistics and analyze your traffic sources. Which keywords are bringing visitors to you, which sites are your referrers and how much direct traffic your blog has. Make right corrections and increase your main traffic streams.

    * 26 day. Relax! Have a rest from the Internet and try to collect the thoughts. For this moment you have needed quantity of blogging knowledge and it will be useful just to relax your brains and make some soft brain storming.

    * 27-28 days. Analyze blogs of others. Look at successful blogs in your niche and try to learn something in their writing style, placing of ads and technology of blogging. Look at Problogger for some new tips.

    * 29 day. Begin to create your own community on big social news sites like Digg, Netscape and Reddit. Successful start in this undertaking will bring you huge quantity of traffic.

    * 30 day. Post, post and post....

    Follow these rules and you'll become successful blogger in the shortest time.


    Elizabeth Potts Weinstein said...

    Great step-by-step list. I could see how this would be very helpful for new bloggers.

    I think the big mistake more bloggers make is that they think it is all about content (build it and they will come). Content is very important, but reading other blogs and marketing your blog is also key in getting traffic.


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