
    Saturday, November 22, 2008

    An Introduction to Blogging – The Basics


    The blogging phenomena have reached the attention of the masses far and wide. Those who appreciate journalism would enjoy the engaging in the new hype of writing articles. Blogging’s popularity is constantly devouring the multimedia industry through the contributions of the literary advocate.

    It’s a web page jam packed with all the journalistic compositions and discussions about different agendas. A combination of having an on-line diary, compact topics, the role of blogging has become vital to cyber society.

    Blogs are updated on a regular basis and is arranged chronologically considering the first subject being the newest. Categories are organized. From archives to commentaries, to blogrolls down to the feeds.


    Typically, a blog’s content would greatly depend on the topic it’s dealing with. If you’re advertising something, perfume, apparel, or a vintage automobile, you could feature catalogs of the products mentioned. Personal blogs consists of daily happenings, observations, comments about another’s comment.

    Schools and universities can put posts containing write-ups regarding their campus’ historical background, faulty and subjects or courses offered. A blog should be updated daily to give readers reasons to keep coming back for more. A human mind always seeks for something new. Therefore, update.


    Comments are very much welcome. Come one, come all! It doesn’t matter who would give out a comment for as long as somebody did write something. Bottom line: what you’ve written had an effect on that mind and aroused some opinions to merit it. Be glad you have a comment. At least someone has read your posts. Here, interaction takes place.

    Tools and Concepts

    Blogging can be a fuss if you don’t how the process works. What in the world does RRS, URL, blogroll, and all that jazz mean? How can I use it? For greater understanding, here are some terms and definitions of some of the tool usually used in blogging and the concepts that go with it.

    Below are the letters comprising the blogging alphabet. Some letters were not included for the reason that it’s totally irrelevant to the readers and might cause confusion on their part. I’ve just enumerated the frequently asked terms.

    Archives – records of important documents or files preserved
    Blogrolls – categorized list of networks to web pages

    Comment Spam – irrelevant comments posted on a web page containing  to one or more domains

    Downloads – a verb pertaining to the pictures, audios, or videos streamed from the author’s device memory

    Excerpt – summarized ideas of the post usually having a part of the entire article

    Feeds – part of another’s site supplying the material for one site

    Guests – are the readers, viewers, spammers, etc., who visits your site

    Hosts – web sites willing to accommodate your registration as a blogger
    Introduction – preliminary part of the blog page showing the personal profile of  the author or a brief description of the subject
    Links – a tie up with a series of sections in the web suitable for navigation from  one site to another; also known as a “permalink” or “hyperlink”
    Plugins – combined term for plug-ins, these are characters or scripts adding additional function to the site

    And that’s it. All primary words elaborated above embody the blogging community. Easy access to the blog doesn’t mean easy manipulation. It must have certain concepts and tools to make blogging possible. The posts are one thing, how to capture the attention is the objective.



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